The Workshop is a small gathering of researchers working on games in logic and related topics. The use games in logic has a long and varied tradition and is diverse in its forms. Games can be both an object of logical research (cf. Logics for Analyzing Games) as well as a special tool. Our Workshop is mostly dedicated to the use of games as a research tool in logic. While nowadays many different types of games are employed in various subfields and application areas of logic, the Workshop’s major focus is on two central forms of logical games: semantic games and provability games. Semantic games (also known as evaluation games) characterise truth in a model under certain interpretation, e.g., game-theoretical semantics of J. Hintikka or Giles’s game. Provability games characterize validity or, more generally, logical consequence, e.g., dialogue logic of P. Lorenzen.
While the focus of the workshop is on the aforementioned topics, other types of games will also be discussed, such as model comparison ones, as well as games in a broader context and related topics.